خواب مرتے نہیں

Faraz, an Urdu poet of international repute, translated into many languages including English, French, Spanish and Russian, author of a collection of his fourteen poetry books including Tanha Tan, . . . . . ctd.

People Say

Hold on, here are some views about Legendary Poet of the era from literati.

Ahmad Faraz's ideological perseverance, in his time, seems to be a very rare attribute that no one else has.
Prof. Fateh muhammad malik
Critic and scholar
Faraz's protest was about the people who had made this garden barren and desolate during their rule.
Masood Mufti
Faraz’s point of view covers every aspect of life. A multidimensional person, just like his work, that shows his struggle for real democracy in the country.
Abid H. Manto
Human Right Activist

© Ahmad Faraz Trust


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